Monday, September 28, 2009

Dems Determined To Pass this Half Assed Bill

The left is pushing hard to get their health care bill passed. This is going to cost us taxpayers billions of our hard earned dollars and for what? Well, I guess to pay the way for illegals and dead beats to to have their babies on our dime. I don't know if the honest working class are fed up with these clowns yet but I certainly am.
Think about the mid term elections and consider getting rid of the morons that are driving our Country into poverty.

Billy Bob Hoffman

Monday, September 21, 2009

New Web Site To Check Out

We try to bring you the best sites to keep you informed, check out this one at,


Friday, September 18, 2009

House Of Representitives Deny Funding

Scandal forces the House to vote and deny funding for ACORN. All I can say is, it's about time. Read all about it at,


Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Left Wing Media Don't Know Their Ass From A Hole In The Ground.

And they don't care to when it comes to telling the truth. How about this one. Obama says quote, "I believe the Constitution is Heavily Flawed".
I have not heard this from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or the other biased media outlets. Get informed with the truth, go to

Billy Bob Hoffman

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Carter Just Can't Shut His Yap.

Peanut farmer and former President of the United States Jimmy Carter, came out of his shell today. He doesn't know when to shut up. Now he's calling anyone who disagrees with President Obamas policies a racist. During his term as President he screwed up this country so bad we are still feel the effects of his poor judgement. Did we call him a STUPID CLOWN. Well as far as I'm concerned he needs to shut his yap before he unwinds this Country even further.

Billy Bob Hoffman

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Don't Wait Until Tomorrow

Don't put off that letter to your Congressman and Senator conveying your distaste for the Health Care Bill that sits in front of them. If they can't get it right they need to leave it alone until we replace them in November 2010. Anyone of them who stands against the will of the people should not be reelected for another term.


Monday, September 14, 2009


The mainstream media set the count at a few thousand up to ten's of thousands that gathered to protest. Well, they're full of it, no way would they tell you the truth about the massive amount of people that converged on the capitol. It was a wonderful site to see the backbone of our nation come together and show solidarity.
Of course this gathering was shrugged off by those who are destroying our way of life.
President Barack Hussein Obama headed out of town instead of staying for the festivities.
Last but not least, thanks to congressman Joe Wilson of South Carolina for telling it like it is. BRAVO JOE.

Billy Bob Hoffman

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Thousands Make There Way To DC.

The National Mall in D.C. was covered by tens of thousands of concerned citizens as they protest Government spending. They came from everywhere because they are fed up with the morons that control our Country. They expressed their discontent today and rallied for a change in leadership in 2010. This is just the beginning of what is to come.

P.S. see more at

Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9-11-2001

That day I'll always remember. It was early in the morning, I was on the 15Th floor of a glass enclosed high rise building in West Palm Beach, Florida. I was building office cubicles for a local business. In the reception area a television was tuned to a news station. Before my eyes I saw the planes crash into the World Trade Center. Nearly 3000 people died that day for a radical cause. Foreign terrorists in my home land creating havoc and destruction because of a belief.
Now, 8 years later the threat is even greater. My concerns are, will our Government be able to stop the emanate threat that is looming in the darkness?
Where were you on 9-11-01.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Acorn Exposed

The group that has received millions in funding from our government encourages illegal businesses, such as prostitution. Investigative reporters have uncovered an Acorn Office in Maryland, eager to help illegal business beat the government out of taxes and be allowed to thrive with no accountability. See for yourself at,


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Obama lays out his health care plan at 8:00 PM eastern.

It's of vital importance that you tune in and listen to every word of his speech. Our future is at stake with respect to the health care issue. Make your own judgement and don't be swayed by the bull.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Obama's Message to Students

It appears the televised message to students is one of encouragement and inspiration. Much hoopla was given over this controversy. Perhaps the message was changed by the administration to curb the outrage. But by any means you should have the right to choose if you want your children to view it or not.


Monday, September 7, 2009

Van Jones Resigns, WOO'HA

Van Jones, a self proclaimed Communist that's acts like a CRACKHEAD, finally resigns his post as Obama's Green Czar. Now we have to put pressure on the remaining BOZO'S that are destroying our Country.
And lets not forget Keith Oberman of MSNBC, that piece of CRAP propagandist is eager to see this Country lose it's respect around the globe. Stop watching his show and the ratings will fall, then he'll be out of that high paying gig.
The far left has their own agenda and are capitalizing from our demise. STOP their MADNESS before it's too LATE. FIGHT TO SAVE AMERICA.

Billy Bob Hoffman

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Those of you that are fortunate to have a thriving business or a good job, now is the time to take a break. Have fun, maybe get some needed rest or just chill out. Next week we will talk about solutions to major problems that affect us all.
Enjoy the moment,

Friday, September 4, 2009

Van Jones Video on You Tube

Go to search and type in Van Jones.
Stay informed.

Van Jones, anyone?

Van Jones, is Obama's Green Czar. He is a self proclaimed communist. This Jerk is helping the administration change the face of our Country. He calls all Republicians assholes.
The people who are concerned about our freedom need to step up to the plate and defend our Constitution. One way is to insist that these moronic bastards are not in a position to advise our President. Obviously, Obama wants total control of this Country and its resources. If we allow this to happen, God help us all.

Billy Bob Hoffman

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

H. R. 45 Gun Bill 111th Congress By Billy Bob Hoffman

I encourage you to read this stupid bill, and start writing your congressmen. Tell them they better reject this nonsense. If this bill passes and is put into law the only people holding on to their firearms will be the criminals. The Blair/ Holt bill was referred to the Judiciary Committee. It is 13 pages of bullshit that will strip away your right to bear arms, as noted in the 2'nd amendment of the Constitution. I'm asking all legal, honest citizens to step up and don't allow this to happen. Your voice is stronger than the Jackasses in Washington. This bill is a good reason to increase your arsenal of weapons.
Billy Bob Hoffman