Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Yours truly Billy Bob Hoffman is back after a world wide adventure.

That's right I needed to chill out away from our troubles and assess our countries situation from a foreigner's prospective. As I walked the landscape through out Europe and Asia I ask some of the locals what they thought of America. Their answers were pretty much the same, one old man in particular said; "I would like to know why your government is leaning towards communism why do they want to take away some of your freedoms?" He caught me off guard I asked him what he meant, he said bluntly "from what I see and read America is heading down a road of lost liberties." I stood there and reflected on my childhood mom and dad telling me what I can or can't do, I couldn't wait till I was old enough to leave home and make my own decisions.
Now our leaders are again ramming this health bill through congress against the will of the people. Who in the hell do they think they are, it's just another round of deceptive practices by our federal government in their scheme to take down our democracy. Stand up and fight for your country before it is changed into something we can't live with.
Billy Bob Hoffman

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