Thursday, August 6, 2009

Billy Bob Hoffman's Candid Report

I've been called a redneck that clings to my gun and to religion. I have no criminal record I don't look for handouts from the government and I pay my taxes. I never screwed any body out of money or their possessions. My name is Billy Bob Hoffman and I'm sick and damn tired of those ass-holes in Washington messing up my Country. I did own a manufacturing company, that went defunct because the government decided to tax my business into bankruptcy. Oh I should have used all the loopholes like all the sly greedy bastards that have raped millions, even billions of dollars by not paying a cent to the Treasury Department. But I remained honest and sacrificed my livelihood. Well God has a way of taking care of his own and giving wrath to the money mongers that lie, cheat and steal. All I can say at this point in my life is I am ready to fight to save this Country from an eminent catastrophe. We need good people like you that continue to want freedom, and let me tell you they will take it away if you let them.
Till next time,

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